How To Achieve A Beautiful Hue Using The Best Self Tanning Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

Of all the trends Coco Chanel started, the tan is most lasting. Before she stepped off the plane from her holiday, showing her bronzed body to the world, it was trendy to be pale. There are few things that add to beauty as effectively as an all over bronze glow. These days you can achieve the look using the best self tanning lotion.

In an age of skin cancer, we avoid the sun. Self tan is today's solution. You have two choices: spend a fortune on a salon treatment or conveniently and inexpensively buy the golden hue in a bottle.

If you've never done it before, bronzing can be frightening. The memory of television stars donning orange hued streaks is ever present. It doesn't take much more to scare us away from the fake tan forever. It's needless to avoid it anymore, with this advice.

Most products have typified the terrible aroma attached with these tanners. It comes from the chemical, DHA, contained in all these lotions. It only starts to reek with a few hours' contact with flesh, so there's no use taking a whiff of the bottle to test it. Simply slather it on a wrist and see what develops in time before you make your selection.

Some brands have found the ideal fragrance to hide the characteristic smell of DHA. Others simply use less of the offending chemical. In the latter types, gradual layering is required to achieve the desired result.

Of prime importance is drying time. In some cases you have to waste 3 hours standing upright before you're able to dress. Surprisingly, many lotions require this much drying time. Instead find a brand that only requires ten minutes to complete the process.

One disadvantage of a few hours' hanging around is that the product stains fabric. You're sure to end up with tinged couches and gowns. It's impossible to wear lotion wet on your skin for that long without rubbing it off in places, which will give you a patchy look.

What kind of person you are will help your decision. If you're in an eternal hurry, you'll probably prefer a spritz bottle, which is simpler for beginners too. Creams will be the territory of the well practiced and those with time on their hands.

It's often inappropriate to use the same tanner for both face and body. Lighter complexions shouldn't go overboard with dark hues. Deeper complexions will see little difference if they use a product that's too light.

Even if you have the best tanner possible, if you don't prepare your body, disaster can strike. Shower first, using a good exfoliator to slough off dead skin that will give an uneven look. Cover yourself with a light moisturizing cream, using an oilier one on ankles, wrists and elbows, which tend to darken too much. Then wait half an hour for your skin to regain its natural PH balance.

No damaging sunlight is necessary when seeking a golden hue. Forward preparation makes all the difference. Never forget to find the best self tanning lotion.

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