Concepts Regarding Insulin Resistance Reversal

By Nancy Gibson

Most people take it that when the level of blood sugar is reduced this is a solution to diabetics and that it should be what people aim at achieving in the battle. This is not the case because it is but just a symptom that has resulted from insulin resulting from refined carbohydrates. Insulin resistance reversal can be achieved by consuming diet that is has the effect of balanced blood sugar.

Insulin is a very important polypeptide hormone in the body, and its role is to regulate carbohydrate metabolisms. Under normal and healthy body conditions, this hormone usually rises albeit very slightly, after eating. It stimulates muscles and liver so that sugar is taken up from the blood, and consequently converted into energy. When a person has resistance to this said hormone, the blood sugars can be at normal levels, though the hormone levels are high. This is so because muscles and liver are not properly responding to the hormone, thus making the pancreas to produce more.

It is very necessary to have a control on the glycemic load in every meal you take and do not take in the meals with quickly absorbed carbohydrates only since they will eventually raise your insulin levels. The most recommended meals are organic produce and even the animal products, very high quality protein, three omega eggs every week, cornucopia of the fresh vegetables and fruits, berries, cherries, foods rich in antioxidants and herbs such as ginger to season your food.

Doing some exercise is very helpful since it will contribute in reduction of the central body fat and hence improve metabolism. People are advised to add thirty minutes walk after they have had their dinner. Vigorous exercises are very helpful also since it will help to maintain and build muscles in your body. This disturbing act of the body messes with the functioning of the body and could lead to death if not quickly attended.

Another important strategy that you can employ is to ensure that you supplement magnesium as much as possible, in your diet. Medics allege that magnesium deficiency, in many instances, causes hormone resistance in various ways. Relatively, a diet that is very rich in magnesium can greatly improve sensitivity, as well as reduce significantly the chances of suffering from diabetes. Magnesium can be found in foods such as legumes, green leafy vegetables, as well as nuts. However, the nutrient can be further supplemented.

It is also a good practice to have training at intervals since it assists in the mitochondrial function and metabolism. When you are not working the calories can be burned more efficiently due to the routine of training and also the energy while at the same time building muscles. All these activities assist the metabolism and keep the blood sugar stable avoiding incidences such as sudden heart attack.

There are new compounds that have been discovered to completely turn off those genes that will eventually cause diabetes. The rye usually has a special kind of phytonutrients which has the ability to reverse the genes.

The practice of consuming more of fats and carbs that take longer time to burn is of great help, these are mostly found in egg yolks, olive oil, ghee, butter, avocado among others are in the category of fats while for the carbs that take long to burn we have sweet potatoes, pumpkins, yams, lentils and wild rice.

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