Important Information On Invisalign Orthodontics In West Los Angeles

By John Moreau

Orthodontic treatment basically involves the correction of incorrect spacing and misaligned bite of your teeth. At the same time, the misaligned and crooked teeth are usually unsightly and also make it more difficult to observe proper teeth hygiene. Nevertheless, Invisalign orthodontics in West Los Angeles helps you to eliminate such orthodontic issues, as well as getting exceptional results without the discomfort and embarrassment of conventional braces.

Usually, if proper teeth hygiene is not maintained, a person eventually gets the periodontal disease. As a result, the person risks bone and gum damage, and tooth loss. However, straightened teeth become easier to clean, hence eliminating the risk of periodontal disease. Braces have been used to correct the misaligned and crooked teeth. However, the conventional braces are usually uncomfortable, less attractive, and may be painful to wear.

Through the emergence of the invisalign, the disadvantages that come with traditional metal braces have been eliminated. This has been possible because the clear braces are barely noticeable, they are removable, and customized for each patient. Over the treatment course, the patient receives a series of these clear braces, where each set makes small adjustment on teeth position. These aligners are changed after every two weeks.

The main advantage of these clear braces is because they are not easily noticeable. They cannot be easily seen making them to fit your lifestyle better. They are also removable making them more flexible as you can remove them when having your meals while still on the treatment. You can also remove the aligners while brushing or flossing so as to maintain good oral hygiene and fresh breath.

Another benefit of invisalign is safety. Normally, the traditional metal braces have wires and edges of metal that protrude, which can puncture or scratch the mouth and the gums. The clear braces are, however, comfortable and smooth because they are without sharp edges and protruding edges. Again, the traditional braces may cause teeth decay and demineralization, which does not happen with clear braces. The clear braces instead minimizes the damage that occur due to the metal braces, such as gum disease and cavities.

The clear braces help to boost your confidence. This is usually possible because of their appearance. The traditional braces cause the mouth to appear unattractive, which can lower the confidence of the one wearing them. However, invisalign are barely noticeable and does not affect how you smile. Again, clear braces do not affect your daily activities.

By straightening your misaligned and crooked teeth, you are able to maintain healthier gums and teeth. Usually, widely spaced and crowded teeth result in red and swollen gums, which are also signs of periodontal disease. But once aligned, your gums fit around your teeth securely protecting you from possible periodontal disease.

Your overall health is also improved when you have properly aligned teeth. Because tooth decay and gum diseases are usually caused by bacteria, they may lead to other diseases and infections when left untreated such as a pneumonia, heart disease, and diabetes. But with straightened teeth, it is easy to maintain proper oral hygiene.

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